INBA Exposition, Russian Avant-Garde
In collaboration with the team of Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) in Mexico City, Esrawe Studio had the honor of designing the proposal for the museum exhibit Vanguardia Rusa: El Vértigo del Futuro (Russian Avant-Garde: The Vertigo of the Future). Exhibit that had 500 pieces from museums of Russia and the world.
This historically relevant exhibit was in many senses also quite current, illuminating a moment in time when a group of artists challenged and transformed the political and social outlook of a culture.
The proposed sequence and interaction structure, curated by Sergio Raul and Jorge Juanes, needed to be interpreted through an understandable and stirring narrative for the public. Rather than being restricted or shaped by the palatial nature of the premises, the exhibit was meant to challenge the confines of the space, reflecting the principles of the movement.
It was essential to depict the transformative inquisitiveness of the artists with rigor, not in a purist sense, but rather with rigor that mirrored the honesty and rawness of the materials, while distancing itself from a mere exercise in recreation.